Monday, January 26, 2009

Egg Fail!

When going into this assignment I decided I wanted to connect it to what we were told to do at the end of the first class. We were told to observe and notice all of the round objects around Us for the day. The thing about most of the items observed was that seeing one side of them you could pretty much guess what the unseen sides were going to be. For my egg i came up with an extravagant plan of dissecting the shape of the egg and piecing together an image of the full surface of the egg. My plan was to come out with something similar to this known image.

As it turns out my plans were a little over my head and even with markings on the egg, it was to bare to stitch up the images easily and in a reasonable amount of time. I did not feel like spending 50 hours on an egg. So after a few failed attempts at my plans... I cheated.



Blogger Eric Habegger said...

What if you set it up in flash to be a constant 360 degree view of the egg with little interactive things every few cm's?

February 1, 2009 at 5:51 PM  

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