Monday, February 23, 2009

Free Time

Last week I didn't check my oncourse before class so when i showed up at the classroom I was somewhat confused. I didnt know what to do for the next 3 hours because i have a class after this one so i didnt feel like drivin all the way back home. I had a few podcasts to listen to that i had fallen behind on so i decided to go sit in my car and listen to those for the class period. This was all before I knew we where supposed to do something with the time. But i guess you could say I did do something that I enjoyed and its nice to be caught up on my podcasts as well. I also took time during the week to play some games because thats what I usually do for fun. This was a perfect week for this assignment because i just needed a break after finishing up one of my audio projects. I also have know idea what to do for my final project. This is going to be fun...

Monday, February 16, 2009

Plastic Bags

For the assignment I was to document my time with a plastic bag. I really couldn't think of anything interesting to do with a bag so I kinda gave up. I did however keep track of all of my interactions with plastic bags throughout the week. I guess the most obvious would have to be the trash cans at work and home. If there was one job that I hate the most, it would be removing the trash. The smell is horrendous yet for some reason I get stuck with that job at home and at work. My other major experiences with bags would have to be on wed. nights at work. Those nights we have a product truck to unload and we are to take all of that product and stock the store. 99% of the product comes inside of boxes and inside of those boxes its not a surprise to find even more packaging around the items. If not another box then its each little product wrapped up in a protective bag that must be removed before placing on a shelf. So much trash is created on those nights. Its kinda sad. Best Buy is pretty big all around the world now but I cant help but think how much more trash Walmart is creating every day.

Monday, February 9, 2009

SICK DAY! 2-9-2009 and last weeks asignments

So normally I make my blog post a couple hours before class starts in between my free time from work and our class. I usually try to discuss all of the assignments for the week in that post. There is only one problem with that today... I was up all night trying to figure out a computer issue with a video project until about 6 this morning, and when I fell asleep for a quick nap before work and it turns out I slept straight through class and completely missed getting the blog written. Below I decided to paste in my notes from the last two assignments as well.


I went without my sight for this project. I decided to do a few things I enjoy doing daily while blindfolded. A majority of the time was taken up with listening to a movie. I decided to go with a film I have never seen before, this way I have no visual memory of what is happening on screen. It was pretty weird thinking of what was going on just by listening. For another part I decided to blind fold myself while playing a few PC games. I have video of this happening and the audio commentary of my friend trying to walk me through it. but due to the earlier mentioned computer problems from another video, this video will have to be posted up a little later. Its pretty boring but its kinda funny watching me play through my friends direction. There is a lot of me running into walls and falling off of the sides of buildings.

...Video Coming Later...

Peace offering

When it comes to what we did last class I really have no regret to the shape we left the room in. It wasn't anything that couldn't be reversed or erased. What really makes me feel this way is the attitude of the ladies i mentioned in my last post. I could really care less about what happened after hearing their reaction. If maybe someone was actually hurt or emotionally damaged by what we did, then maybe I could see doing something to make up for what we did.

As for today I am a little disappointed in missing the video Beth was so excited to show us. I am planning on reading a few other classmates posts to find out what did happen today and also find out what was watched. I will definitely seek it out and watch it in my own time. I will update later on my impressions of the video if I am successful in finding it.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Class for 2-1-2009

Today was a pretty interesting day. The class started with a discussion of creativity, innovation, and inquisitive. They are each a step to take and it all becomes our "game plan". Almost the whole class was a discussion of this topic. One thing that sticks out from the lecture to me was the idea of your blue is my red thing, that is something i have thought of before. Its good to know that I'm not the only one with weird thoughts. The What if.. questions exercise is to be used as a "tool" to get your brain churning and to help you come up with some ideas. at the very end we all decided to ransack the room and have a huge mess of chairs to leave for the next class. Fred's pictures explain it all.

I remember stepping out of class and hearing a girl almost loose her mind because we are leaving them like that. Last thing I heard was "The teachers in there, SHE SHOULD HAVE TO PICK THAT SHIT UP!" This girl was getting so frustrated over such a tiny thing and I just remember thinking "lighten up". I would have just laughed my head off and said a big WTF if I were to walk in on that. a few chairs is not that big of a deal! This is kinda the same feelings I had on my earlier post about sledding.

What if?

1. What if you had a super power?
2. What if you had 24 hours to live?
3. What if a family member was in danger?
4. What if you were president?
5. What if you were god?
6. What if you could fly?
7. What if you could go into space?
8. What if life existed on other planets?
9. What if there is no god?
10. What if you could change one thing about yourself?
11. What If you could choose how you were going to die?
12. What if you could time travel?
13. What if you were famous?
14. What if you had to live in another country?
15. What if the world was flooded?
16. What if the world was in another ice age?
17. What if there was no internet?
18. What if there were no computers?
19. What if you won the lottery?
20. What if you could change something about yourself?
21. What if you were blind?
22. What if you were deaf?
23. What if you couldn’t feel?
24. What if you couldn’t taste?
25. What if you could choose a time period to live in?
26. What if you could live on the moon?
27. What if you could choose your parents?
28. What if you could choose your children?
29. What if you were stranded on an island?
30. What if you could live in a tv show or movie?
31. What if you could learn anything instantly?
32. What if you couldn’t lie?
33. What if you could only say yes?
34. What if you could stop 1 historical natural disaster?
35. What if you could stop 1 historical event?
36. What if you were immortal?
37. What if we didn’t need sleep?
38. What if you could invent something?
39. What if you could erase something out of existence?
40. What if everyone operated at night instead of the day?
41. What if we had no more oil?
42. What if there was a never ending abundance of oil?
43. What if the dinosaurs never went extinct?
44. What if the matrix existed?
45. What if WW3 is about to start?
What if you used green juice?
What if someone solved it?
What if the egg was the consistency you were expecting it to be?
What if you poem won an award?
What if you had to juggle more than 2 eggs?
